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Libester Award Tag

I have been tagged by @my muse: leblog and that was really a pleasure to answer such lovely unusual questions:
here are the rules: 
Share 11 facts about yourself
Answer the awarder's 11 questions
Tag 11 bloggers and ask them 11 questions of your own
Inform the 11 bloggers that they have been tagged
 Do not tag the person who tagged you

                                                              11 facts about myself

1. i don't speak french very well 
2. i passed my childhood out of Tunisia
3.I'm a makeup fanatic
4.i hate lip glosses
5.I'm obsessed by washing my hands every time i touch anything
6.I'm a lazy "always tired" person :p
7. i don't smoke 
8.i love medicine
9.i listen to American hip hop and i enjoy doing rap karaoke
10.i adore little kitties
11.i love the smell of petrol hhhh

these are the answer of your questions :)

- 3 adjectives that best describe you?
shy - honest - tidy
- What is your dream job?
 being a doctor, well that's only because i love medicine otherwise am happy with my job right now
- What is your dream country to visit and why?
Australia, i love nature, sea and islands
-What is your favourite book?
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- If there's one movie you have to tell me to watch, what movie would that be?
The notebook
- What is your favourite / go-to item in your wardrobe?
skinny jeans
- What is your biggest flaw?
i can't be an independent responsible girl :p
- What is your greatest quality?
need someone to tell me :p
- What is your favourite time of day?
either the dawn or the night 
- Your best childhood memory?
all my childhood is my best memory

 And i was tagged again by the lovely sahar ,  as I've already told the 11 facts about me I'm gonna just answer your questions here  ;))   

What's your life's Goal?
my life's goal is just to get a fixed job and to live in peace with the person that i love , I'm not really that ambitious 
 Do you have a useless talent? 
 well i don't think that i have a useless talent ;) , talents aren't supposed to be useless 
What is your worst habit?  
i do never be the first one to open conversations with strangers
What is your biggest achievement? 

still didn't make  the biggest achievement ever but my simple big achievement till now is getting my master degree successfully

What object is an absolute must-have?  
makeup and care products ;)
What is the most hilarious rumour that was ever spread about you? 
hilarious rumours are for famous people, thanks god that I'm not that famous ;)
 What was your most embarrassing moment? 

hhhhh that was last year  in a summer day, I had had an interview in a company and i didn't know about its emplacement so the director told me that he would come in a black car to take me , i was waiting under the heat on a side of a road full of cars.. the moment a black car was about to stop besides me i  jumped for joy and i opened the door just to ride but hhhhh that was the embarrassment , when i looked at the face i saw someone staring with the mouth wide open and hell imagine the next loool
If you could be a character in a book, or on a TV show who would it be?
don't have a special one in my mind maybe that i gather from each character something :)

what part of your body would you change surgically?
i  have a tomophobia so i don't think that i will challenge this fear to just make a part of my body  looks better
What LOVE tip / advice would you give from a single / married perspective? 
i have always believed in this: true love never fails!
If you could live in a different time, a different place, a different era—where/when would it be?
it would be my childhood i always have a nostalgia for this period


  1. It nice to read your answers :)

  2. thank u soooooooooooo much for taking the time to answer those silly questions of mine :))) guess we've a loot of common, i love petrol smell, I adore doing karaoke rap , MU fanatic (duhhh :))), I want to be a surgeon & visit australia !!!! this is sooo cool , right ? !!
    btw some of my friends have the useless talent of memorising every single number they hear, no matter how long it is, they're like a storage device or something :ppp i find this talent useless :))

    it was a pleasure reading those line & getting to know u a little bit more xoxoxoxo

    1. i rather enjoyed your questions sweety .. same here having a look to your ansewrs i felt that we have alooooot in common ;)) , especially that one of chorophobia how i hate that tooo i just don't want to dance , i feel like i'm gonna cry not to do that hhhhhh ..
      thank you for your comment you r a sweetheart ! :*


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