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face care routine

Green is color that attracts me in all care products, it's the color of nature , it seems that any product that has a green color attracts my eyes. Anyways today I want to represent my face routine in summer days. you know heat is unbearable for those who work during summer. It feels like you don't want to go out the whole day until the evening. however if it's an obligation then being fresh is the best solution to challenge hot days.. for me my face during the summer is my mirror and usually I lean not to use a lot of makeup or black liners,and I focus more for being fresh and cool just like a breeze.

So let me show you my steps for getting a fresh face:

The first time I come back home I underwear my clothes and I blink to the bathroom with my cleansers bag.
1.I take out all the makeup using Garnier skin naturals makeup remover milk which is enriched with grapes extract, I love the smell of this product , it looks really fresh and it removes well the makeup , it doesn't dry the skin but it makes it a little bit oily.

2. with my gel cleanser Yves Rocher hydra vegtal  I wash my face in circular motion so that I get sure that nothing from the makeup left. I like its smell because it's very natural and fresh; it's with cucumber extract (how I like this vegetable in skin cares products).

3.after wiping my face I took the mineral fresh water spray from monoprix and I spray it just over the face and the neck , oh how it's fresh! this mineral water tonifies and hydrates the skin it's a must have in the summer.

4. last but not least I took my gel cream and I apply it on my face gently. unlike the normal cream the gel cream is lighter and gelly, it does never leave that heavy oily feeling on the face. it's fresh an so comfortable on the skin it looks like a serum.


  1. So lovely produts darlin!
    What about following each other? Just let me know!


    1. hey caroline , yeah for sure , u r welcomme honey :))


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